National Association for Multicultural Education Logo

Advancing and Advocating for Social Justice & Equity

We are interested in input from a variety of sources in the U.S.A. and beyond, and welcome articles about promising practices in K-12 and higher education settings, museums, governmental organizations, private sector organizations, etc. If you are interested in writing for the journal, please read the following instructions. If you have questions, contact the editors for more information.

Features  in Multicultural Perspectives include:

  • Advancing the Conversation
  • Media, Technology and Multicultural Education
  • Creating Multicultural Classrooms
  • Personal Perspectives
  • Reviews of Literature
  • Reviews of Films
  • Guide to New Resources

Please Note:
Journal submissions are now
an on-line process.
Please access Multicultural Perspectives through ScholarOne
for submission guidelines
and to submit manuscripts.


Aims and Scope:
Multicultural Perspectives (MCP) promotes the philosophy of social justice, equity, and inclusion. It celebrates cultural and ethnic diversity as a national strength that enriches the fabric of society. MCP encourages a range of material from academic to personal perspectives; poetry and art; articles of an academic nature illuminating the discussion of cultural pluralism and inclusion; articles and position papers reflecting a variety of disciplines; and reviews of film, art, and music that address or embody multicultural forms. Its main audience is K-12 educators, social scientists, governmental social service personnel, teacher educators, and those involved in multicultural education. MCP is published four times a year by the National Association for Multicultural Education. Many more manuscripts are submitted each year than can be published. Following the guidelines below will enhance the likelihood of the manuscript’s acceptance. Articles are reviewed by a panel of reviewers under a blind review process. 

The length for articles for the section Advancing the Conversation is 4,000 to 5,000 words. Articles submitted for other sections should be kept to 3,000 to 4,000 words. Word count is inclusive of references, tables, etc.

All pages should be double-spaced, including references and any other material. A title page is optional because you will enter all of the metadata into the ScholarOne system.  If you wish to include a title page it should be a separate file and should include the title of the manuscript, a word count, and the author’s name, affiliation, address, telephone number, and e-mail. The main document should include all subsequent pages, which should be numbered and must include the manuscript title. Do not include author identification on any pages in any documents other than the title page document. Additional documents that include tables or figures may also be submitted as separate files (see Illustrations section below).

MCP follows the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association (6th edition) style guidelines for publication. Authors are responsible for all statements made in their work. If there are tables, graphics, poetry, or a lengthy quotation (500 words or more) from another source, provide a signed agreement from the copyright holder that allows the material to be reprinted. Please note that this applies to direct reproduction as well as to derivative reproduction (in which you have created a new figure or table which derives substantially from a copyrighted source). Authors should write to original author(s) and original publisher to request nonexclusive world rights in all languages to use the material in the article and in future print and non=print editions. Include scanned copies of all permissions and credit lines with the manuscript. Materials cannot be published without permission.

Charts, high-quality photographs, and original art that complement the article are welcome. Illustrations submitted (line drawings, halftones, photos, photomicrographs, etc.) should be clean originals in digital files.

Guidlelines for Digital Files:
300 dpi or higher; sized to fit on journal page;
JPG, EPS, TIFF, or PSD format only;
Submitted as separate files, not embedded in text files.
Tables and figures (illustrations) should not be embedded in the text but should be included as separate files.
Figures should be completely labeled, taking into account the necessary size reduction.
Captions and legends should be submitted in a separate file AND entered following the onscreen instructions on the file details screens on ScholarOne.

Color Reproduction:

Color art will be reproduced in color in the online publication at no additional cost to the author. Color illustrations will also be considered for print publication; however, the author will be required to bear the full cost involved in color art reproduction. Please note that color reprints can only be ordered if print reproduction costs are paid. Print Rate: $900 for the first page of color; $450 per page for the next three pages of color. A custom quote will be provided for articles with more than four pages of color. Art not supplied at a minimum of 300 dpi will not be considered for print.

How to submit:
MCP receives all manuscript submissions electronically via its ScholarOne Manuscripts site.  ScholarOne allows for rapid submission of original and revised manuscripts and facilitates the review process and internal communication between authors, editors, and reviewers via a web-based platform.

  • Authors should create a profile on the site and follow the onsite submission process to submit a manuscript.  

  • Access the MCP Scholar One site here:

  • The submission process requires data about the author(s) and the manuscript. It also allows for the uploading of files.Please see the instructions above concerning format and illustrations.

  • A User Guide for authors can be found at:

  • ScholarOne technical support can be accessed at:

Writing the article:

Articles and research papers written for Advancing the Conversation (feature articles) will be more formal and must include abstracts. Position papers and essays and reviews may be written in a more informal journal style. Explain the meaning of all words that may not be understood by the general reader. Remember some readers are new to the education field or may work in a different area of education or discipline. Write out the meaning of acronyms you use every day. Use practical examples to support key points. Our goal is to provide useful, interesting information about multicultural issues to a broad range of readers in a variety of academic disciplines and educational and work settings. We only accept manuscripts that have not been published elsewhere.

What gets published:
A good manuscript may be accepted for publication, but may not be published immediately because the policy of the journal is to offer a range of articles in each issue. If your article is accepted but not published immediately, we will inform you that we are holding it for a future issue. Manuscripts requiring extensive revisions will be rejected. We may return your article for revision if we feel that it has promise. You will then have an opportunity to resubmit after making the suggested changes. The National Association for Multicultural Education (NAME) will be the copyright holder of the journal and its contents.

Proofs and Reprints:
Page proofs are sent to the designated author using Taylor & Francis’ Central Article Tracking System (CATS). They must be carefully checked and returned within 48 hours of receipt. Authors for whom we receive a valid e-mail address will be provided an opportunity to purchase reprints of individual articles, or copies of the complete print issue. The corresponding author will also be sent 3 complimentary copies of the journal.


Contact Editor: Kevin Roxas  
with questions about Advancing the Conversation and most other submission questions/ 

Contact Senior Associate Editor:
Alyssa Hadley Dunn

with questions about Creating the Multicultural Classroom and Personal Perspectives/ 

Contact the NAME Office with journal subscription or delivery questions /