Each year the NAME conference offers extended opportunities for deeper studies and discussion of critical topics by our scholars, researchers and activists. These sessions are optional and additional fees are required. Please pre-register for these sessions, as space is limited. If you have already registered for conference, you can always add institutes and school visits to your registration at a later date.
Fees: Each Institute is $29 for Members / $49 for Non-Members
NOTE: School Visits will be held November 13-15. They will be posted in the Fall.
Partial List of the NAME
2024 Institutes Institutes
(Please check for more this fall.)
Intensive Institute #1: Weds,, Nov. 13 | 9am – 11:30am | Fee: $29 for Members / $49 for Non-Members
NAME's Writing for Publication with Multicultural Perspectives' Editors
Presenters: Co-Editors,
- Kevin Roxas, Dean of Woodring College of Education; Western Washington University; and,
- Alyssa Dunn, Director of Teacher Education, Neag School of Education, University of Connecticut
This popular institute is designed to assist anyone interested in publishing about multicultural education in professional journals or other related publications. The session is particularly beneficial to graduate students and junior faculty. During this interactive workshop, participants will learn about the process of writing for publishing from the NAME editor's perspective. Topics to be covered include getting started (selecting appropriate journals, turning dissertations into articles, etc.), the submission and review process, and the relationship of publishing to tenure. Participants should be prepared to share and discuss their article ideas. Participants will receive materials to support their work towards becoming published authors.
Developing a Multicultural Curriculum
- William A. Howe, Past President of NAME; co-author of Becoming a Multicultural Educator: Developing Awareness, Gaining Skills & Taking Action, with P. L. Lisi. (2023, 4e).
In the era of the anti-DEI movement, criticism of CRT, book-banning and other regressive educational policies how does one remain true to multicultural education? This Intensive Institute is designed primarily for educators wanting to learn how to implement the principles and practices of multicultural education. Teacher educators seeking to develop or refine a course in teaching multicultural education will also benefit. The institute will review definitions, goals, theories and application. Participants will have an opportunity to learn about the various components of a course along with suggestions on the best practices in teaching about multicultural education.
Note: Those who complete this all day-long institute will receive a certificate of completion. There will also be a drawing for a free copy of Becoming a Multicultural Educator.
Note: Those who complete this all day-long institute will receive a certificate of completion. There will also be a drawing for a free copy of Becoming a Multicultural Educator.
Intensive Institute #3: Weds., Nov. 13 | 9am – 4pm | Fee: $49 for Members / $69 for Non-Members
Training on Title IX
Training on Title IX
- Jan Perry Evenstad, Professor Emeritus, Metropolitan State University of Denver; Advisory Board Member of ATIXA;
- Marta Larson, Educational Equity Consultant, former Program Manager, Equity Assistance Center at University of Michigan; .
- Amy Zavadil, PhD, Education Leadership Consultant, former Equity Compliance Officer at the University of Dayton, Advisory Board Member of ATIXA
Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972 prohibits discrimination based on sex in education programs that receive federal funding. The Biden/Harris administration has worked to reissue and strengthen Title IX in providing protections for LGBTQ students and staff. There are also court cases leaving the 2020 regulations in place in some states. This intensive institute led by experienced Title IX experts will provide attendees with the information needed to understand the current status of the law, protections provided, and obligations of educational institutions. Attendees will receive a Certificate of Attendance for this Title IX training.